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2023 Oklahoma Peanut Commission
Cooking Contest Winners!
2023 Oklahoma Peanut Commission Cooking Contest at the Oklahoma State Fair! Was held on Wednesday, September 20, 2023
The Oklahoma Peanut Commission and the National Peanut Board partner in sponsoring this important annual event.
As a panel of culinary experts judged the contest entries consisting of peanut cakes, pies, candies and other peanut goodies, Les Crall OPC Chairman and David Nowlin, OPC Executive Director shared peanut information and trivia with the audience.
Question and answer games are played with the crowd with winners instantly received an NPB T-Shirt, a jar of peanut butter or another award to recognize the winner’s participation and knowledge.
This year 13 entries were submitted for judging. OPC provided cash awards and a bag of peanut themed gifts to the first through fifth place winners. All entrants received participation gifts.
The Oklahoma State Fair Cooking with Peanut Contest is always a great opportunity for the commission to promote peanuts and to connect with consumers who appreciate learning more about this unique crop. State Fair staff frequently reports that the OPC booth is the most popular of any of the venues hosting cooking shows.
2023 Winners!
The 2023 winning entries were (L to R):
1st Place Winner - Ashley Yates - Peanut Brittled Peanut Butter Pretzel Pies
2nd Place - Linda Gronewaller - Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookie Cake
3rd Place - Amy Durst - Peanut Butter Chocolate "Chess Pie"
4th Place - Michelle Robertson - Reese's Peanut Butter Brownies
5th Place - Karen Moseley - Peanut Butter Truffles
Shown presenting the winners with their awards are OPC Chairman Les Crall and David Nowlin.
The development of the Oklahoma Peanut Commission website was supported by a grant from the National Peanut Board.
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