August 2, 2022

Correct Use of a Hand Lens
To get a good look at spider mites you will need a hand lens.  A 10X or 20X lens will work.

To use your hand lens correctly, hold the lens close to your eye and then either a) move the subject closer to your eye until it comes in to focus or b) move your head (and the hand lens) closer to the subject until it comes into focus.

August 2, 2022​

Spider Mites Taking Advantage of the Hot Weather
Crop Consultants and farmers are finding spider mites moving up the plants in  a few fields in Caddo County.  The Photo on the Left shows damage from spider mites when mites have reached the top leaves.  This was taken near the Oney/Albert area.   A miticide was applied with good results.  Always check the bottom leaves first to see if spider mites are getting started in your field. Severe infestations can cause heavy drop.

Beet Army Worm

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August 22, 2022

David's Blog from August 2022

Rainfall Accumulation - Sunday 9/21/22 - 9/22/22

August 25, 2022

Sclerotinia Blight Getting Started

​All we need is 65° and 95%+ humidity, which we received on August 21st.   And we are finding Sclerotinia Blight in peanut fields now.  And with rain in the forecast, I expect we will see more. 

August 12, 2022

Foliage Feeders in Peanuts

​I am seeing some increase in foliage feeders on peanuts over the past week.  For foliage feeders we usually include beet armyworm, cornear worm, and loopers.  Entomologists and crop consultants vary on their economic thresholds – but mostly they do not want to get to 30% defoliation so they recommend spraying based on the number of worms they find.  Looks like Georgia peanut growers are seeing the same things we are; A few days ago, Ben Hill with UGA posted this:

I have received a few calls on foliage feeders in peanuts. Threshold counts and proper identification are important when it comes to foliage feeders. Make sure of your threshold counts 4-8 per foot of row. (So, by straddling two rows slap from your elbow to fingertips each side of the row into the middle which is 1.5 foot on each side and together it is close to 3 foot of row and that threshold would be 12-24 worms per spot). We recommend checking 10 spots in a peanut field. Some finding feeding signs but no worms so that could be redneck peanut worm. Just because damage is present does not mean the worms are still there.
Ben Hill, University of Georgia Extension.